Luminar 4 for only €59

Until June 17 you can purchase Luminar 4 from Skylum for only €69 instead of €89. Upon checkout, you can get an extra €10 discount by clicking on ‘Enter Promotional Code’ in your cart and entering the code MORETHANWORDS, so that you ultimately only pay €59. If you’re in Europe and you’re VAT-registered, you can enter your VAT number in the ‘Enter VAT ID’ link and you’ll even be exempted from VAT.

€59 is a real bargain for this great software! If you like to photograph landscapes, you will certainly be interested in the AI ​​Sky Enhancer and the AI ​​Sky Replacement tools: the first automatically improves an existing sky, the second puts a new one in an instant.

Replace a boring sky with a new one? In Photoshop, you can easily spend an hour. In Luminar, you do it in fifteen seconds!

Replace a boring sky with a new one? In Photoshop, you can easily spend an hour. In Luminar, you do it in fifteen seconds!


If you prefer portrait photography, then the Luminar 4 portrait retouch features alone are probably worth the price of admission it. Softening skin, brightening bags under people’s eyes, accentuating eyes, …Luminar 4 does it all super fast and credibly.

Moreover, you can use the application both as a Lightroom and Photoshop plug-in and as a standalone product.

Still in doubt? Then check out the English webinar that I did some time ago on Luminar 4. But I warn you: only look if you still have €59 in your wallet, because you will undoubtedly want to buy the software afterwards!