Custom Graduated Filters in Color Efex Pro 4

This tutorial is about one of my favorite filters in Color Efex Pro 4: the Graduated Filter (it’s only one of 52 filters, by the way). If you’ve ever used a real graduated filter (or a software-version in a graphics application), you know that you cannot have buildings or trees protruding from the foreground into the background… That is, unless you use Color Efex' Graduated filter. Thanks to the unique Control Point technology, which I explain in the video, you can basically create custom Graduated Filters. I apologise for the rather crude audio quality.

Now you might argue that the new Filter Brush in Lightroom 6 does something similar, but the Control Point feature is still a bit stronger in my opinion, as it works automatically, or should I say: 'automagically'.

Color Efex Pro is part of the Nik Collection by Google, a Lightroom and Photoshop set of plug-ins that contains 6 other plugins as well.